英国の新聞 The Economist の記事をネタにして英語の単語やニュースへのコメントを付けていきたいと思います。
When the chips are down
Jul 22nd 2010
So it is particularly interesting to see that on a burger basis the euro is still overvalued when compared with many other rich-world currencies. Sovereign-debt worries and soggy growth rates have helped shift the currency towards its fair value over the past 12 months. A year ago the euro was overvalued by 29 % on the burger benchmark; that figure is now down to 16%. (Britain's currency has gone from being mildly overvalued this time last year to slightly undervalued now.) And the single currency has been moving back up against in recent weeks, on hopes that stress-test result, which were due out on July 23rd, will shore up confidence in Europe's banking system.
overvalued: 実際よりも高く評価される
soggy: 湿って柔らかい、成長などが鈍い
shore up: 支える
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