英国の新聞 The Economist の記事をネタにして英語の単語やニュースへのコメントを付けていきたいと思います。
Wealth, poverty and compassion
The rich are different from you a
The rich are different from you a
Jul 29th 2010
One interpretation of all this might be that selfish people find it easier to become rich. Some of the experiments Dr Piff conducted, however, sorted people by the income of the family in which the participant grew up. This revealed that whether high status was inherited or earned made no difference-so the idea that it is the self-made who are especially selfish does not work. Dr Piff himself suggested that the increased compassion which seems to exist among the poor increases generosity and helpfulness, and promotes a level of trust and co-operation that can prove essential for survival during hard times.
interpretation: 解釈
reveal: 明らかにする
inherit: 受け継ぐ、継承する
interpretation: 解釈
reveal: 明らかにする
inherit: 受け継ぐ、継承する
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