英国の新聞 The Economist の記事をネタにして英語の単語やニュースへのコメントを付けていきたいと思います。
Animation and robotics
Crossing the uncanny valley
Nov 20th 2010
私はあまり映画を観ない人なんです。だから記事中で「The Polar Expressはゾンビの物語みたい」って言われてもピンときませんでしたが、以下のリンク先のプロモーションビデオを観て納得しました。確かに気持ち悪いです。何故そう感じてしまうんでしょうか?
The idea of the uncanny valley was originally proposed by Masahiro Mori, a Japanese roboticist, in 1970. Though he had no hard data, his intuition was that increasing humanness in a robot was positive only up to a certain point. Dr Mori drew a graph (see chart) with “human-likeness” on the horizontal axis and a quality he called shinwakan (variously translated as “familiarity” and “comfort level”) on the vertical one. As an object or image looks and behaves more like a human, the viewer’s level of shinwakan increases. Beyond a certain point, however, the not-quite-human object strikes people as creepy, and shinwakan drops. This is the uncanny valley. Only when the object becomes almost indistinguishable from a human does shinwakan increase again.
uncanny: 不気味な
intuition: 直感
creepy: 不快な
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